About Us

The Sydney Jewish Report and Melbourne Jewish Report are community newspapers circulated in Australia’s two most populous states through hundreds of distribution points.

These include supermarkets and other retail outlets, schools, synagogues and Jewish community organisations.

The papers foster a sense of pride and “belonging” as platforms for news, views and community-based initiatives from throughout Australia and around the world, with a particular focus on the Jewish community.

For more information, enquiries, or to express an interest in contributing stories, photographs or advertising, do not hesitate to call Alex on
0418 660 660.

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    • Show your support for and commitment to a community-wide initiative.
    • Be associated with a high-quality newspaper, which embraces a positive and uniting message.
    Most competitive rates guaranteed!
    • Free, monthly distribution.
    • Competitive design fees.
    • Guaranteed publication of articles submitted with a 1/4 page advertisement or larger.
    For more information, enquiries, or to express an interest in contributing stories, photographs or advertising, do not hesitate to call Alex on 0418 660 660 “or email Email Image



      The Kashrut Authority has been delighted to work in partnership with the dedicated team at the Sydney Jewish Report since its inception. We love sharing all the latest KA kosher news and information with its thousands of readers and believe the goals of strengthening and uniting the community are being realised within the pages of this quality positive monthly publication.

      Mr. Baron Revelman
      President of the KA

      The Sydney Jewish Report is by the community, for the community and yet it always reveals something that we didn’t know about our own community, literally putting us on on the same page. It has been one of the most wonderful initiatives and through every edition the readership and contributions continue to grow.

      Rabbi Benji Levy
      Dean of Jewish Life & Learning Moriah College

      With news from all over the world being so confronting I enjoy reading the Sydney Jewish Report it is upbeat and filled with positive stories, and beautifully presented.

      Rabbi Dr. Dovid Slavin
      Our Big Kitchen

      The Sydney Jewish Report has been a wonderful addition to the Sydney landscape .. it’s really an exciting event now as each new issue arrives .. I know my Shabbos is going to be chock full of excellent reading that week!!

      Helen Meyer
      Avid Reader

      The SJR is a fantastic publication which focuses on many relevant community aspects. From community, to business to lifestyle it covers a broad range of topics which I find most interesting

      Jodi Gelbart
      Reader and contributor

      “The Sydney Jewish Report is a relatively new and important paper for the Jewish community and deserves wide ranging support.

      David Kary
      Reader and contributor

      I like the fact that this is truly a community newspaper. SJR while respectfully giving us the news, does not look to fill its pages with political tussles and items which help stir the pot of anger and resentment in Sydney, but rather focuses on the positive contributions that organisations and individuals make within our community. Go SJR!

      Sandy Matrai

      Previous Issues

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